Due to a Soil Erosion occurred in one of it's parts ,The Biyagama -KaduwelaBridge built over the Kelani River is due to be closed from 10 p.m tonight to 5 a.m tomorrow (25)as a safety measure according to the Rural Development Authority(RDA).
Due to the Soil Erosion transport activities of the Bridge has been restricted to one lane yesterday(23).
The Road Development Authority has began building an alternative bridge near the old Bridge and it is due to be inaugurated at 6 a.m tomorrow morning according to the Authority.
Due to a Soil Erosion occurred in one of it's parts ,The Biyagama -KaduwelaBridge built over the Kelani River is due to be closed from 10 p.m tonight to 5 a.m tomorrow (25)as a safety measure according to the Rural Development Authority(RDA).

The Road Development Authority has began building an alternative bridge near the old Bridge and it is due to be inaugurated at 6 a.m tomorrow morning according to the Authority.