Wednesday, February 13, 2019


Enormous dust cloud heading to NZ after blanketing parts of Australia


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Two Persons Had Been Arrested With A Stock Of Cannabis

Nochchiyagama Police have arrested two persons whilst transporting more than five Kilo 
Grammes of Cannabis in a Motor Car at Halmillakulama in Nochchiyagama yesterday (12).

The suspects who are 30 and 40 year old residents of Veyangoda area are due to be produced before the Thambuttegama Magistrate Court.

A Person Was Killed Due To A Wild Elephant Attack

A 71 year old Person was killed due to a Wild Elephant attack at Weligatthha in 
Tissamaharamaya area this morning (13) it has been reported.

The incident occurred when the deceased along with his wife and a group of persons had gone to a forest neat the Bundala Wwild Life Park to bring firewood it has been reveled.The other group members have fled away from the scene to escape . 

Radiographers Attached To Colombo National Hospital To Launch A Three Hour Strike On Monday

All Radiographers attached to Colombo National Hospital are due to launch a three hour
Strike on this Monday (18) from 8 a.m to 11 a.m by demanding solutions for three of their service problems according to Government Audiological  Technologists Association. 

The trade union action will be launched by demanding to implement transfers of Radiographers who have less than two year work experience and two other service problems according to the Association.

Radiological Technologists Association has informed the Director General Of Health Services Dr.Anil Jasinghe on this trade union action the General Secretary of the Association Dharmakeerthi Apa has stressed.

Special Dengue Control Programmes To Be Implemented Tomorrow(14) And The Day After (15) In Four Districts

A Special Dengue Control Programmes are due to be conducted in four Districts namely Colombo,Gampaha,Kalutara and Jaffna  tomorrow (14) and the day after (15) in view of controlling the spreading of Dengue during the current rainy season according to the Health Promotions Bureau.

These Dengue Control Programmes will be conducted in 44 High Dengue Risk MOH areas of the four Districts by 650 Teams comprising with Health Workers,Tri forces personal and Police officers the Bureau has stated.

The 650 Teams will be carried out inspecting High Risk Dengue zones like Constructions sites,Houses,Schools,Religious places,Workplaces and Factories it has been announced.

Public are being  advised to clean up  their premises at least one day in every week for around 30 minutes to avoid spreading of Dengue in their areas.

National Dengue Control Programme in collaboration with Presidential Dengue Task Force are organizing these programmes.


Kings Of The jungle On Top In Photo Award

Ultra Processed Foods May increase Death Risk


Principal Of Anula devi Balika Collage In Galle Had Been Arrested Whilst Accepting A Bribe

Bribery Commission officials have
today  (13)arrested the female principal of Anula devi Balika Vidyalaya  (Collage) whilst accepting Rs.100,000 as a bribe from a mother to admit  her child to the grade one of the school.

The suspected principal was arrested whilst accepting the Bribe at Principals office it has been revealed.

She is due to be handed over to the Galle Police for future course of action.  

National Cancer Control Programme To Launch Joint Research Programme On CANCER With Ayurveda Practitioners

The National Cancer Control
Programme has decided to launch a Joint Cancer research programme  collanboration  with Ayurveda practitioners  soon according it's director Dr.Sudath Samaraweera .

The officials of the Cancer Control Programme are due to hold talks in this regard with the officials of Ayurveda Research Institute at Navinna ,Maharagama he has stressed . 

Two Vehicles Belonging To Madush 's Mistress Taken In To Custody

Special Police Task Force Personal have
today  (13)taken in to custody a "KDH " brand Van and a "Prado" Jeep belonging to the Drug Kingpin Makandure Madush 's  mistress at Her aunts house in Gonawala ,Kelaniya today(13) .

The Van  had been registored under the name of Mother of Madush 's Mistress and the Jeep had been registered  under the name of her uncle . 

Police Have Fired Tear Gas And Water Cannons To Disperse A Protest March

Riot Police have fired tear gas and
water cannons to disperse a protest march of Unemployed graduates near the Lotus Roundabout at Colombo Fort this evening  (13).

The protest march had been dispersed whilst the protesters have  attempted to march towards the Presidential Secretariet it has been revealed. Police have used Police barricades earlier to prevent the marchers from March towards the Secretariet. However when they continues  their march Police have fired tear gas and water cannons to disperse it  .

Police have also closed the Lotus Roundabout from Entry point to Galle Road as heavy traffic occurred due to the protest march.

The protest march was held against not providing employment for unemployed graduates .The protesters had marched towards Presidential Secretariet from Colombo Fort Railway station.

It was organized by the National Graduate Center along with Unemployed Graduates Union .