However speeking to the Journalists this evening at the Kalaniya Temple where he was attended a Relegious Ceremony General Fonseka said that he will make an announcement whether he is entering to Politics after giving up his Army Uniform on 01st of December.
The 12 Party Joint Opposition Alliance formed last week led by the main Opposition the United National Party(UNP) has alraeady announced that Major Fonseka as their Common Candidate for the Presidency with the aim of abolishing the Current Executive Presidancy.
Meanwhile The Secretary to the President Mr.Lalith Weerathunga confirmed this evening that General Fonseka Handed over his Resignation letter but denied to express further details on the letter.However it has been reported that General Fonseka who is Former Army Commander led the Military Victory Over the LTTE is seeking retirement from his Post on 01st of December.
General Fonseka also said during his visit to the Kelaniya Temple this evening that during his career he served for the people and even after retiring from the Service he is willing to Continue that.He was attended a Defense Committee Meeting held at Temple Trees today and also had a Lunch with the President Rajapaksha.He was also present at the Official Welcoming Ceremony held this morning in Colombo to Welcome Visiting Military Leader of the Myanmar General Than Schwe .
General Fonseka cut his visit to United States Of America last week and returned to the Country after the United States State Department tried to get a comment from him against the Sri Lankan Government.
The 12 Party Joint Opposition Alliance formed last week led by the main Opposition the United National Party(UNP) has alraeady announced that Major Fonseka as their Common Candidate for the Presidency with the aim of abolishing the Current Executive Presidancy.
Meanwhile The Secretary to the President Mr.Lalith Weerathunga confirmed this evening that General Fonseka Handed over his Resignation letter but denied to express further details on the letter.However it has been reported that General Fonseka who is Former Army Commander led the Military Victory Over the LTTE is seeking retirement from his Post on 01st of December.
General Fonseka also said during his visit to the Kelaniya Temple this evening that during his career he served for the people and even after retiring from the Service he is willing to Continue that.He was attended a Defense Committee Meeting held at Temple Trees today and also had a Lunch with the President Rajapaksha.He was also present at the Official Welcoming Ceremony held this morning in Colombo to Welcome Visiting Military Leader of the Myanmar General Than Schwe .
General Fonseka cut his visit to United States Of America last week and returned to the Country after the United States State Department tried to get a comment from him against the Sri Lankan Government.