Ministry Of Health decides to take legal action against the Food Importers and Manufacturers here who are misleading the consumers through the labels of their products and from Advertisements Deputy Director General Of Health Services(Public Health) Dr.Palitha Mahipala said today.
"Ministry will first request them to correct their faults and if they are not willing to doing so legal action will be taken against them "Dr.Mahipala stressed while delivering the key note Address of a Media Seminar on "Food Labeling and Advertising " held in Colombo this morning.According to him there are lot of irregularities in Milk Powder Industry especially the way they are Advertising their Products and the Ministry has already appointed a Twelve Member Sub Committee to examine these Irregularities and report them to the Food Control Unit.
Some Milk Powder Companies Advertising their product by saying their Milk Powder help to developing the Human Body including the Brain and it will help avoid from Diseases which is banned under the Food Act..But they can't prove it he said.Even some Companies are not supportive and not willing to change their Advertising Pattern which is clearly misleading the consumers Dr.Mahipala further Added.
Sri Lankan consumers are stll mostly depend on the Milk Powder rather then the Liquid Cow's Milk which is restricted to Rural Areas .Government already begun a Program me to popularize the Liquid Cow's Milk but still it's in an initial stages.