The United States Department of Homeland Security has asked the Chief of Defence Staff and former Sri Lankan Army Commander General Sarath Fonseka to Submit Evidance on alleged Human Rights Violations by Defense Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaksha.General Fonseka confirmed this through a letter he had sent to the Sri Lankan Mission in Washington.
General Fonseka said in his letter that the US Officials repeatedly contacted his Son In Law's Phone to make the request.
US Government already submitted a Report on Sri Lanka to the US Congress citing Human Rights Violations occured during War against LTTE in Northern Sri Lanka which Sri Lankan Government Denied by saying the report is without Substantiate Evidance to prove the Charges levelled against the Sri Lankan Government.Meanwhile responding to the latest move of the US Government Sri Lankan Government today protests the US attempt to use Senior Sri Lankan Military Leader against a Senior Public Official for alleged Human Rights Violation Charges.