Few Hours After the Colombo Additional Magistrate Issued an Order to Edna Chocolate Company Management to Stop all their production,close Down the Company and Destroyed all the Chocolates which already In The Market and in their Stores Which are Manufactured from the "Melamine" Contained Chinese Milk Powder with Immediate effect ,Colombo High Court Issued a Stay Order Suspending that Order.Today (24) The Additional Magistrate of Colombo Manjula Thilakarathana Issued an Order against the Edna Company after the Court received the Test Reports confirming that the Chinese Milk Powder used to Manufacture EDNA chocolates is Contaminated with the Chemical "Melamine". Six Tonnes of Edna Chocolates made from the "Melamine" Contained Chinese Milk Powder Should Destroyed and a Half Page Advertisement should publish in all the News Papers in Sinhalese ,Tamil and English Languages to Inform the Public that Edna Chocolates are Dangerous to Consume according to that Order.
The Singapore Based Test Reports Produced to the Courts by the Consumer Protection Authority today Confirmed that "Melamine "Chemical ranging 1.5 PPM(1.5 parts of Melamine In Million Parts Of Milk Powder) is in that Sample Tested.
However Against this Judgment Management of the Edna Chocolate Company one of the largest Chocolate Manufactured Companies in Sri Lanka Got a Stay Order From the High Court.Staying Order of the High Court valid till 28th of this Month and it will not effect the Additional Magistrate's order to Stop the Production Till 25th of November.High Court also ordered to Re- tested the Samples of Chinese Milk Powder Used By the Edna Company.Court Hearing Regarding this case will Summoned 28th of this Month.