All the Doctors attach to the Government Hospitals will stage a walk out on this saturday(04) as a mark of respect to the Assassinated Lady Doctor of the Bandagiriya Hospital in the Hambanthota District Dr.Lakshmi Indunil .Her funeral is scheduled to be held on this saturday and due to the walkout of the Docs Out Door Patients Department Clinics and the normal duties of the Doctors in the Government Hospitals will not functioning as usual in this saturday Dr.Upul Gunasekara the Assistant Secretary of the Government Medical Officers Association(GMOA) said yesterday(02) at a press briefing.Also All the Government Doctors have decided to refrain from engage in Private Practice this saturday Dr. Gunasekera Said.However the Doctors of the Lady Ridgway Children's Hospital,Castle Street Maternity,De Soyza Maternity,Cancer Hospital and the Accident Service of the Colombo National Hospital not join this action he stressed.
The Assassin of the Lady Doctor got Arrested this morning at Tangalla by the Army Police.GMOA also requested the Health Ministry yesterday to pay Rs.5 Million as a Compensation to the family of the slain Doctor.GMOA Executive Commitee met yesterday decided to form a fund to help the family of the slain Doctor and to the Doctors who are facing harassment in the future.GMOA also decided to Temporarily Suspend the General Strike over the Assassination of the Doctor after the Assassin got arrested.