According to the unions the said medical officer is not suitable for the post as he is not having the required qualifications that needs to become a medical administrator.The service minute of 2007 of the Sri Lankan Medical Administrators has clearly stated that a Medical Administrator should work in the capacity of deputy medical administrator for 3 years before becoming a senior medical administrator.However the said administrator has not having such qualifications according to Ministry Sources.
All Government General and Teaching Hospitals and Medical Specialists are functioning under the confused post of Director Of Territory Medical Services.Meanwhile Sri Lankan Medical Administrators Union is scheduled to discuss their future course of action regarding this irregular appointment during their General Assembly Meeting to be held on 24 th of May.
Due to the inefficiency of the said Acting Director there are around 28 senior grade and around 200 deputy grade posts attached to Ministry Of Health have been vacant from some time Ministry sources added.Due to this Most of the hospital administration is in crisis the sources have revealed.The Public Services Commission (PSC) too has informed on this situation Ministry Sources have further said.