Prices Of Milk Powder To be Reduced with Effect from 15th Of December Consumer Affairs Minister Bandula Gunawardana said Yesterday(14).Reducing Of Milk Powder Came as agreed by the Producers and Importers Minister Further said.Now a 400 Gramme Pack Of Powdered Milk Selling Between Rs.260-275 in the Market.With the Reduction of the Prices of Milk Powder Consumers are expecting that the Prices of Milk Tea selling in cafe's too will be reduced.Now a Milk Tea is selling Between Rs.20-30.But Some cafe's are using Sweetened Condensed Milk for Making Tea Instead of Powdered Milk.
When Talking about the Price Reduction of the Consumer Products in Sri Lanka It is Impossible even thinking of it. following the Reduction the Prices of Gas,Petrol,Diesel and Kerosene Oils and Now the Milk Powder vendors are keeping deaf and blind of it unlike when their is a price hike.Even the Prices Of Bus Tickets Reduced from small Margin with the Effect From Last Monday(10)following the Reduction of The Oils from the Budget, still most of the Conductors are not giving the Benefit of this Price Reduction to the Passengers unlike when the prices of oil is Increasing.
Price Of a Flour Reduced by Two Rupees some time back and with the Reduction of Oil Prices Bakers should Reduced the Prices of their Products including Bread,Cakes and Short Eats.But they are selling for the same prices as earlier.A Piece of Chocolate Cake Is Sold Between Rs.40-45 and a Chinese Roll and a Patti are selling for Rs.25-30 in the Colombo Suburbs.