Saturday, March 16, 2024

Major Fire Destroyed Prestigious Egypt Film Set 



සදාකාලික වු සෙනෙහසක පදනම  සැබෑ ආදරයයි.(උපුටා ගැනීමකි)

A New Hotline For North And East Provinces To Make Complaints

A Police Emergency Hotline 107 has been introduced for the public in North and Eastern provinces to make complaints in Tamil language .

This hotline has been introduced  under the instructions of Minister of Public Security Tiran alles and Inspector General Of Police (IGP)  Deshabandu Tennakoon it has been reported

Forest Fires Reported In Some Areas Due To Extreme Heat

 Due to the hot weather prevails in the island at present Forest fires have been reported from 30 areas in the island during last 10 days according to the Disaster Management Center(DMC).

According to the DMC due to the extreme weather some areas in the island are being faced water scarcity and instructed the public in those areas to inform the situation to Grama niladhari officials .DMC has also advised the public to  report about forest fires  to the hotline 117.,

Seventeen High Rank Police Officers Transferred

 Seventeen high rank Police officers including tje Director of Criminal Invwstigations  Department (CID)  have been transferred with immediatte effect under the decision made by the National Police Commission.

Accordingly the Inspector General Of

Police(IGP) Deshabandu Themnakoon had instructed the authorities  to transfer eight Senior Deputy director  General of Police (DDG"S) ,a DDG amd eight Senior Superintendent of Police(SSP) it has been reported.The current  director of  CID SSP K.G.A.K Piyasekare has been transferred to head the Kalutara poice division.