Monday, March 3, 2014

Government Hospital Radiographers To Be Launched An Island Wide Work To Rule Campaign

The Radiographers attach to all government hospitals are to be launched an island wide continuous work to rule campaign from tomorrow(04) by demanding solutions for seven of their service demands.due to this trade union action all the radiography tests performs in government hospitals including x ray,C.T Scan and MRI tests will  not be performed in government hospitals  after 4 p.m from tomorrow  the Government Radiography Technologists Union has said.

The extra  radiography tests performs in morning session also will be cancelled during this trade union action the union has stressed.however emergency tests will be performed during the work to rule campaign and  if the authorities failed to meet the radiographers demands by tomorrow they are to be withdrawn from all emergency services with effect from this Wednesday(05) the president of Radiography Technologists Union Daramakeerthi Apa has said.

The Radiographers attach to Maharagama,Cancer,Lady Ridgway Children's ,De Soyza ,Castle Street ,Peradeniya Children's  hospitals will not be participated the said trade union action due to a humanitarian reasons he has stressed.

The seven demands produced by Radiography Technologists Union included the scrapping  the Diploma Training Course of radiographers, increasing the increments of Radiographers and stopping the harassment faced by female radiography technologists .