Country's Milk Market should be freed from businessmen as few of the international /local companies and businessmen are controlling the local milk market at present Mr.Jaytahilake has said.issuing a media release stating the need to increase local milk production for benefit of the people but not for the benefit of business community, he has stressed that there's no need to import cows or genetic resources from other countries in view of increasing local milk production as the country is already having a sufficient number of cows and buffaloes to produce enough milk for the whole country.
"However the problems faced by local dairy farmers should be solved and the main problem they are facing at present is the lower prices they get for a 1 liter of Cow's Milk .milk powder and milk products companies are buying a liter of Cows Milk from our dairy farmers for just Rs.50 but the farmers have to pay Rs.60 to buy a Kilo Gramme of Punac(Coconut Cake)to feed cattle " he has stressed.
If the authorities really want to promote consumption of cow's milk in Sri Lanka they should begin to supply cows milk for every child and sick people as the first step.local milk production should be increased with the aim of improving people's health not the wealth of businessmen" Mr.Jayathilake has further said.