Nursing Staff of the Cancer Hospital,Maharagama who are stopped Performing Chemo Therapy Treatment For Patients since Last Wednesday(10) Temporarily Suspend their Action Till Tomorrow Evening (16) Cancer Hospital Sources said .This was due to the Discussion offered to them By the Health Secretary tomorrow to Announce the Solutions given to their Demands.Due to the Halt of the Trade Union Action Chemo Therapy Treatment to the Indoor Patients in the Cancer Hospital Resumed This evening after Five Days Hospital Sources said.However According to the Nursing Unions this Action is halt till the End of tomorrow's Discussion.This Discussion is Scheduled to be Held on 4 P.m Tomorrow at the Ministry Of Health with the participation of the Representatives of The Cancer Hospital Nursing Staff and the Nursing Unions. In an Earlier Development Health Ministry canceled the Proposed Meeting with the Cancer Hospital Nursing Staff in last minute Scheduled to be held This Evening .Giving No Particuler Reason For the Cancellation of the Discussion Health Secretary Dr.Athula Kahanda Liyanage Says that There is no need to Discuss the Demands of the Cancer Hospital Nurses further as the Ministry has Already Gave Solutions to their demands.However the Solutions will be Discussed during the reschedule Meeting held in Tomorrow He stressed.
Meanwhile The President of the Health Services Trade Union Alliance(HSTUA) Saman Rathnapriya Said that the Cancellation of the Proposed Discussion on Nurses Demands Proved that the Health Ministry Is Paying little Attention to solve the Chemo Threrapy Issue and the Lives of the Cancer Patients Who are in Danger due to to not Receiving the Chemo Therapy Treatment as a Result of the Nurses Trade Union Action.The Chemo Therapy Treatment Not Given to both Indoor and Outdoor Cancer Patients for the Sixth Day This Evening (15)According to the Hospital Sources.