Thursday, June 28, 2012

A Sum Of Rs.5 Billion Allocated For Local Purchasing Of Drugs This Year

The amount of money allocated for local purchasing of  emergency drugs and surgical requirements   of Government Hospitals have increased by Rs.4 billion this year a clearly  wastage of money claims the president of Health Services Trade Union Alliance (HSTUA) Saman Ratnapriya.According to him every year usually a sum of Rs.1 billion allocated for local purchasing of drugs and surgical s in  Government Hospitals ,but this year a sum of Rs.5 billion allocated for this purpose.

A large scale of Fraud activities have been take place when local purchasing of drugs in government hospitals he stressed.Therefore the Ministry Of Health should have maintain a list of Essential Drugs and Surgical s need to import every year and should import them through a proper tender procedure to avoid fraud activities president of HSTUA further added.