The second Court Martial Trial held against General Sarath Fonseka today was postponed without hearing the charges leveled against him due to the problem arisen on the Composition of the Tribunal Army sources said.
When the Court Martial hearing begin today at the Navy Headquarters in Colombo the President of the Court Major General H.L Weeratunge read a letter sent by the President Mahinda Rajapaksha on appointing Panel of Judges .Stating that there is a issue on whether the same Panel of Judges in the First Court can hear in the Second Court the Court proceedings was postponed without fixing a next date of hearing.
The Second Court Martial hearing commenced today on the charges leveled against the General Fonseka on violating the Army Rules and procedures on Arm Procurement.Because of the Postponement of the Court hearing the Lawyers representing General Fonseka were not get the opportunity to make their representations.