Sri Lankan Authorities today ordered the Controversial Ship Captian Ali which entered to Sri Lankan waters ilegally last week to leave the Island without unloading it's cargo.The Syrian Registered Ship carrying 884 Metric Tonnes of Food and Medicine was seized by the Navy after it Entered into Sri Lankan Waters Illegally.Defense Ministry says the Ship carrying these Essential Goods for the defeeted Tamil Rebels in the North.
However the Ship titled their mission as the "Mercy Mission To Vanni".The Foriegn owned ship began their Journey from Port Ipswich of U.K on 20th of April and carried the Essential Items donated by the Tamil Community in U.K.The goods are loaded to the Ship on 07th May at the French Port Fos-Sur-Mer weeks before Sri Lankan Forces defeeted LTTE Rebels.It has been reported that without getting permission the Ship with 15 crew members including former Sri Lankan Monitoring Mission Member planned to travel to the Coast line that was under Rebel Control at that time.