These eating houses are not having a proper food storage and food preparing facilities and most of these are using the water use for toilets to washing the vegetables and meet use to prepare food items he has further added.The Toilets attach to these eating houses too not in good condition Dr.Wijemuni said,
As thousands of people who are entering the Colombo City daily for Business and other purposes are consuming food from these small eating houses the Colombo Public Health Department has decided to lift the standard of these small eating houses with effect from this Thursday(16) though a specially designed plan to make aware the owners of these eating houses on the need of food safety.
Under this plan the Public Health Inspectors and other health officials of the Public Health Department are currently photographing the food preparing,storing and toilet facilities of small eating houses to identify the lapses it has been revealed,
The Colombo,Public Health Department has arranged a special workshop for 35 small eating house owners in Colombo City to make them aware on food safety.