Government Nursing Officers Union today has filed a case in Gampaha District Court against Fonterra Brands Sri Lanka Private Limited for advertising their milk powder products as free from DCD Chemical and Botulism bacteria although their parent company in New Zealand has accepted their products are contaminated with them.the court order will stand till 30th of August.
Even the New Zealand based fonterra company has recalled their milk powder products from countries like China,Hong Kong,Russia,Vietnam and Thailand and also apologized them for contaminating their milk powder products with bacteria but the sri lankan fonterra still not ready to accept this bitter truth the plaintiffs charged.also the ministry of primary industries in new zealand too accepted that fonterra products have contaminated with DCD recently they said.
As fonterra brands Sri Lanka Limited has trying to mislead sri lankan consumers through false advertisements by stating their milk powder products are free from chemicals and bacterias the government nursing officers union has urged the district court to issue injunction and enjoin orders preventing fonterra company in sri lanka by distributing,selling and advertising their products for 14 days until 30th of August .
The court case is scheduled to be heard on 30th August.President of Government Nursing Officers Union Saman Ratnapriya,secretary and the union treasurer are the plaintiffs of this case while Fonterra Brands Sri Lanka Limited situated in no.100,Delgoda Road Biyagama ,Sri Lanka and it's general manager Leon Clement were the respondents of the case.