Minister Of Corporatives and Internal Trade Johnston Fernando has ordered the officials to distribute the stock of 4 million Eggs imported to Sri Lanka from India to the market .An Egg belongs to this stock will be sold Rs.11 each through the Laksathosa Outlets.
This stock of Eggs imported to Sri Lanka to reduced the sky rocketing prices of Eggs in the Local Market.Currently an Egg is sold between Rs.16-18 in the Local Market.
Government has decided to stop importing Carbonic Fertilizer in the view of increasing local Fertilizer Production according to the Minister of Farming and Wild Life S.M Chandresena.According to the Minister that the Government will produced Fertilizer locally which are used to grow crops like tea and rubber and also manufacture Fertizer for Fruits and Flower Cultivations also in the future he added.
Government has decided to dissolved all Local Government Councils with the effect from midnight tomorrow(06th).According to the Minister of Petroleum Susil PremJayantha Local Government and Provincial Councils Minister M.L Ataulla will officially announced the disolvement of the councils.