Friday, October 21, 2016


A Chinese Female Was Arrested With 247 Gems At Katunayake Air Port

The Air Port customs had yesterday (21)arrested a Chinese female who tried to smuggle 247 gems illegally out of the country.

The gems found in possession of the Chinese Female are worth around Rs.11 million it has bern reported

Prime Minister Ranil Wikramasinghe Returned The Island After Completing Brussels Tour

Prime Minister Ranil Wikramasimghe who had left for Belgian Capital Brussels to hold talks on regaining GSP+ to Sri Lankan Apparel Industry has arrived in Sri Lanka this noon after completing a successfull  tour according to sources.

During his stay in Brussels Prime Minister Wikramasinghe held talks with leaders of European Union ,European Commission and European Parliament and Begian leaders mainly regarding GSP +facility.

Sri Lanka is due to receive GSP+ facility early next year it has been reported.


AIr Port Customs Officers Arrrsted Two youths At Katunayake Air port Who Tried To Smuggle A Stock Of Expensive "Wallapatta"

The Air Port Customs Officers had today (21) arrested two Sri Lankan youths who tried to smuggle nearly 54 Kilo Grammes of an expensive "Wallapatta"(Gyrinops) illegally out of the country at Katunayake,Bandaranaike International Air Port.

The stock of "Wallapatta"  worth around Rs.4.1 million  had been found concealed in the luggages of two youths according to Customs Officers.

The suspected youths who are residents in Modara and Negambo areas tried to smuggle the stock of expensive "Wallapatta" to Mumbai in India and "Sharjah"in United Arab Emirates it has been revealed.

"Wallapatta"is use to make an expensive perfumes

A Tense Situation Has Occured Due To A Clash Occured Between Two Groups Of Fishermen In Kalpitiya

A tense situation has occurred in Kandakulama area in Kalpitiya (North Western Province)this morning due to a clash between two groups of fishermen in the area.

The clash has occurred when a group of fishermen who have been accused as using banned fishing nets and equipment for fishing ,attacked a group of  small scale  fishermen who are involving in a protest campaign since yesterday (20) against using banned fishing nets and equipment .

Soon after the incident  Special Police Task Force personal have been deployed in the area to keep and peace and order   .

The Anti Banned fishing equipment  protestors were blocked the Trincomalee- Kalpitiya road yesterday during the protest.

Five Policemen Were Arrested And Remanded Over The Deaths Of Two Jaffna University Students Last Night

Five Policemen were arrested and remanded on suspicion over the deaths of two Jaffna university students who were killed while on their way home from a Motor Bicycle last night at Kokkuvil area in Jaffna (Northern Province).

The two university students who were on on their way home after participated a party were shot and killed according to reports.One student died on the spot and other student was succumbed to his injuries after admission  to the Jaffna Hospital .

The victims were third year students of the Art Faculty in Jaffna University it has been revealed.

The suspected Police Officers who were arrested and  remanded over the deaths of students have been interdicted from their service it has been reported.

Soon after the incident  the Criminal Investigations Department(CID) has launched an investigation on it.


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Colombo District Court Judge Lifted The Injunction Issued Against " Usaviya Nihandai" Film

The Colombo District Court has today(21) lifted the interim injunction issued against screening of a 57 minute long short Documentary Film "Usaviya Nihandai"(Silence in The Courts) made by award winning film maker Prasanna Vithanage.

On 05th of October the District Court had issued the interim injunction against the short Documentary Film which due to be released to local theaters on 06th of October after considering a petition filed against screening of the film by former Magistrate Lenin Ratnayake.

The petitioner has stated through his petition that the director of the Documentary Film made the film based on a false news report by stating he was sexually abused a female in June 1996.

After considering the facts presented through the petition the Colombo District Court judge has issued a interim injunction against screening "Usaviya Nihandai" film until 19th of October and on Wednesday the injunction was extended until Thursday(yesterday) and afterwards till today(21).

The  Colombo District Court Judge has postponed the case hearing until 19th of January 2017.

Eighty Three Year Old British Male Died After Found In An Unconscious State At A Hotel

Image result for swimming pool clipartA 83 year old British male who was found in with an unconscious state lying inside a Swimming Pool at a Hotel in Sigiriya died after admitted to the Kimbissa Hospital according to the Police.

Sigiriya Police are conducting an investigation on the incident.

A Female Was Killed And Six Others Were Injured And Hospitalized Due To An Accident In Kurunagala

Image result for accident graphicA Female was killed and six others were injured and hospitalized today(21) due to a Van they were traveling in crashed into a Tree near Daduru Oya Bridge at Kurunagala(North Western Province).

The injured were admitted to the Kurunagala Teaching Hospital for treatment.The accident has occurred due to the Driver of the Van fallen a sleep while driving the vehicle according to the Police.

Kurungala Police are conducting an investigation on the incident.

Special Gazette Notification On Price Reduction Of 48 Essential Drugs Has Been Issued

Image result for essential drugsThe Special Gazette Notification on price reduction of 48 widely used Essential Drugs has been issued this noon after Health Minister Dr.Rajitha Senaratne has signed it .

According to the Gazette Notification prices of 48 Essential Drugs are due to be reduced with effect from midnight tonight the Ministry Of Health,Nutrition and Indigenous Medicine has announced.

Some of the Essential Drugs subjected to price reduction under the Gazette Notification are Diabetic Drug "Metformin", Cholesterol Drug "Atovastatin" ,Drugs prescribe for High Blood Pressure "Losartan",Enalapril,"Clopidogrel","Atenelol","Asprin" prescribe to avoid heart attacks,"Amoxicilin" Pill/Tablet/Liquid, Pain Killer "Paracetamol" ,"Thyroxine"Tablets prescribe for Thyroid Gland related problems, Inhalation Drug "Salbutamol" and Gastritis" Drug "Omeprazole".

The price reduction list of the 48 Essential Drugs should be displayed in every Drug selling outlet  for the benefit of patients and Pharmacist should sell these drugs according to the  Maximum Retail Price recommended through the Gazette the Ministry has stated.

Legal action will be taken against hose who violate the regulations in the Gazette Notification under the article 132 of the National Medicinal Drug Policy the Ministry has stressed.


The benefits of spinach are many. Leafy greens like spinach provide more nutrients than any other food, when compared calorie for calorie. Here are some spinach facts to consider:
  1. The nutritional value of spinach indicates it to be a very nutrient-dense food. It is low in calories yet very high in vitamins, minerals and other phytonutrients. When you consume this healthy food, you don’t need to worry about your weight-loss diet as you take in abundant, good-for-you nutrients.

    This leafy green is an excellent source of vitamin K, vitamin A, magnesium, folate, manganese, iron, calcium, vitamin C, vitamin B2, potassium, and vitamin B6. It’s a very good source of protein, phosphorus, vitamin E, zinc, dietary fiber, and copper. Plus, it’s a good source of selenium, niacin, and omega-3 fatty acids.
  2. One of the benefits of spinach is that this green is readily available, nearly all over the world. Even though, with its abundant nutrient profile, it sounds like an amazing super food, it’s still easy to find in the market or easy to grow. In addition, it’s affordable.
  3. This is a versatile food. It can be eaten raw in a salad (and is much more nutritious than iceberg lettuce) or a spinach smoothie. Or it can be cooked (lightly, please) and eaten as a dish on its own or added to soups and other dishes. If boiling, use the least amount of water possible for the shortest time.
  4. Spinach is loaded with flavonoids which act as antioxidants, protecting the body from free radicals. Researchers have discovered at least 13 different flavonoid compounds that act as anti-cancer substances. The various nutrients offer much in the way of disease protection.

    Remember Popeye? He squeezed those cans of spinach into his mouth and instantly developed muscles and super strength. Well, he also may have been protecting himself against various illnesses and conditions.
5. Another of the health benefits of spinach is that this is a heart-healthy food. It’s an outstanding source of vitamins C and A which are antioxidants that help reduce free radical amounts in the body. The antioxidants work to keep cholesterol from oxidizing. In addition, folate is good for a healthy cardiovascular system, as well as magnesium, a mineral that helps to lower high blood pressure.

6. Gastrointestinal health can be guarded by eating more of this food. The beta-carotene and vitamin C work to protect the cells of the body’s colon from the harmful effects of free radicals. Also, DNA damage and mutations in colon cells may be prevented by the folate that’s present in this green leafy vegetable.

7. Some conditions that are identified as inflammatory, such as arthritis, osteoporosis, migraine headaches, and asthma, may be helped because of the anti-inflammatory properties of some of the nutrients found in spinach.

8. Studies have shown that consumption of green leafy vegetables such as spinach may slow the age-related decline in brain function. So, eat your greens and keep working those crossword puzzles to keep your brain young and agile.

9. Have you heard of lutein? It’s a carotenoid found in spinach that is protective against eye diseases such as age-related cataracts and macular degeneration. There is some indication that it might be absorbed better if you eat it with a little fat, such as a sauce made with tahini, or the food that you’re eating it with may contain some fat.

10. The mineral iron is particularly important for menstruating women and growing children and adolescents. In comparison to red meat, spinach provides a lot less calories, is fat and cholesterol free, and an excellent source of iron. Because iron is a component of hemoglobin, which carries oxygen to all body cells, it’s needed for good energy.

Spinach Salad with Pine Nut
These are 10 wonderful benefits of spinach. However, there are a few things to be aware of that might not be so wonderful:

  • Some people are allergic to spinach.
  • Spinach is one of the high pesticide-containing foods, so it’s important to eat organic spinach if you can.
  • The oxalates in spinach may interfere with the absorption of calcium, as well as potentially crystallize. People who have kidney or gallbladder problems may want to be careful about eating this green.
  • It’s possible that it can interfere with proper thyroid gland functioning, although cooking may reduce the goitrogenic compounds.
  • Gout-prone people may be affected by the purines in this food.

Try this healthy spinach recipe - a delicious Veggie Benedict dish using this healthy green vegetable.