The lives of Around One Thousand Kidney Transplant Patients in the Island are in danger as Four Essential Drugs prescribing for them are out of stock at All the Government Hospitals these days.The Drugs "Cyclosporine", "Sepasti"Erithroprotien and Tractotoklamus" are out of stock in the Hospitals since two weeks according to the Government Hospital Sources.Out of One Thousand Kidney Transplant Patients in the Island Eight Hundred Patients are getting treatment from the Nephrology Kidney Transplant Unit of Kandy General Hospital in the Hill Country.Six Hundred Fifty of these Patients are receiving the Drug "Cyclosporine" and Seven Hundred Eighty receiving "Sepasti" according to the Doctors.Plus these Drugs these patients receiving the Drugs "Erithroprotien" and "Tracktotoklamus".
These Out Of Stock Drugs are not available in the Medical Supplies Division too and the Major Hospitals issuing these Drugs The Colombo National,Kandy General and Sri Jayawardenapura Hospitals.These Drugs are very Expensive in the Private Sector and One Patient need to spend more then Eighty Thousand Rupees monthly for purchasing these Drugs.The Kandy Kidney Patients Safety Fund headed by the Two Chief Incumbents of the Malwathu and Asgiriya Chapters made a written request to the President Mahinda Rajapaksha few days back to make an arrangements to import these Drugs soon as Possible for the use of these Kidney Patients.