A Group of 15 Doctors led by Professor Mandika Wijerathna successfully performed the Sri lanka's first ever liver transplant surgery at the Colombo National Hospital on last Monday .The liver which was transplanted to a liver failure victim was taken from a brain death person who was received the treatment at the intensive care unit of the same hospital.The liver was taken from the brain death person with the permission of his relatives according to the Director of the National Hospital Dr.Hector Weerasinha.
A patient have to pay Rs.5 million to six million for a liver transplant surgery perform in U.K and Singapore.
The liver transplant surgery at Colombo national hospital took 10 hours to complete and the patient who was transplanted the liver is now receiving treatment at the Surgical Intensive Care Unit of the Hospital according to Dr.Weerasinha.National Hospital authorities plan to continue liver transplant surgeries at the hospital he stressed.