Thursday, October 22, 2009

25,000 Vials Of Cerofoxine Injections With Drawn From Hospitals Due To Quality Failure

The National Drug Authority today removed the 25,000 Vials of Cerofoxine   Injections distributed among the Government Hospitals  that belongs to the Batch of  Glass Piece contained  Injection Vial found from the Ratnapura General Hospital after the National Drugs Quality Assuarance Lab recommended to do so.

The Batch of Injection Vials is to be rerurned  to the Medical Supplies Division(MSD)

The Removed Batch of Cerofoxine Injection Vials worth Rs.2.25 Million were imported from an Indian Drug Company through the State Pharmaceutical Company(SPC) According to the Health Ministry Sources.Ministry Of Health is planning to conduct an Inquiry on the Supplier who supplied these Injections to Sri Lanka.Meanwhile The whole Batch of Injection Vials belongs to the Glass Piece Containing "Hydrocortisone"too is scheduled to remove from the Government Hospitals by tomorrow following the recommendation of the National Drug Quality Asuarance Lab.

Another Batch Of IDP'S Re Settled In Their Native Places

Around Fourty One Thousand Six Hundrad and Eighty Five(41,685) Internally Displaced Persons stayed at IDP Camps in the Northern Sri Lanka were re settled in their Native Places today.These IDP'S were re settled in Vavuniya,Mannar,Mulativue and Kilinochchi Areas.

From these IDP'S 2583 Families were re settled in Vavuniya,2644 in Mannar.4915 Families in Mulativue and 2453 in Kilinochchi Area.