Thursday, November 29, 2012

A 4 Member Sri Lankan Family Needs Rs.45,426 As Monthly Expenditure

The chairman of National Trade Union Center Mr.Lal Kantha has said that the monthly expenditure of a 4 member Sri Lankan family  stands as Rs.45,426.50 since last August while government workers are only entitled  a Rs.1500 allowance increment through this years  budget proposals.although government workers are said to be entitled to received the Rs.1500 allowance increment from next January a worker who has received a monthly salary of Rs.20,000 and Rs.10,000  will only receive Rs.1000 and Rs.500 allowance increments respectively.

Speeker Rules Out On Authority Of Out Side Entity Over PSC

Parliamentary Speaker Chamal Rajapaksha has stated yesterday (29)that out side entity has no authority over the speaker,parliament or any other committee appointed by him.he has made these remarks following the statement made by minister Nimal Siripala De Silva  that producing a petition  against parliamentary select committee appointed to investigate the  impeachment motion against chief justice Dr.Mrs.Shirani Bandaranaike is a violation of parliamentary privileges.