Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Around 80% Of The Schools And More Than 80%Of The Construction Sites In Colombo District Have Been Reported As Maintaining Dengue Mosquito Breeding Sites

Image result for DENGUEAccording to a survey carried out recently by entomology officers around 80% of  the schools and over 80% of the constriction sites  in Colombo district  are maintaining. Dengue mosquito breeding sites.

The president of the Health Services  entomology officers union Mr.najith sumanasena has stated that the dengue mosquito density in districts of Colombo.Kandy.Gampaha and Kalutara has reached an epidemic level and currently it stands as 15-20 in the dengue mosquito index.

Accordingly if the dengue mosquito density in a district  indicated  as  more than 5%  on  the dengue mosquito index it can described as an epidemic situation he has stressed.


Water Board To Impose A 12 Hour Water Cut Tomorrow In Several Areas Of Colombo

Image result for water tapThe national water supplies and drainage board has today(05) announced a twelve hour water cut to be imposed from 6 a.m to 6 p.m  tomorrow(06)in several areas in  Colombo district.

This water cut will be imposed temporarily to repair the damage occurred to a pipeline between ambathale water treatment plant to the dehiwala water supply center the board has stated.

Accordingly a 12 hour water cut will be imposed in dehiwala-mount lavinia municipal council area,kirulapana, pamankada, bambalapitiya, wellawatta, colpetty,havelock road, jayanthipura,mulleriyawa, palawatta, ambathale and kohilawatta areas.

Colombo Grand Mosque Announced The Ending Of Fasting For Muslims In Sri Lanka To Celebrate Eid Ul Fitr

Image result for RAMADANThe Colombo grand mosque has today(05) announced the ending a month of fasting ramadan for Muslim community in sri lanka to celebrate eid ul fitr festival tomorrow(06)as the new moon has been sighted .

After a month of fasting known as ramadan, the Muslim community all over the world will celebrating eid ul fitr tomorrow which they can collectively ending their fasting with celebrations.


A Wild Life Officer Was Killed Due To Misfired His Own Gun

A wild life officer has died this morning at Hambanthota(In Southern Province) due to misfiring of his gun during a raid it has been reported.

While the wild life officer who is a resident of kirima area has attempted to catch a hunter who tried to flee the scene, his own gun misfired the reports have stated.The officer has succumbed to his injuries upon admission to Hambanthota Hospital.

The hunter was later detained by wild life officers and due to produce before courts.

Seven Indian Fishermen Were Detained While Fishing In Sri Lankan Waters

Image result for indian fishermen in sri lankaThe Sri Lankan coast guard officers with the assistance of Navy Officers today(05) detained seven Indian Fishermen along with an Indian Fishing dhow while fishing in Sri Lankan waters of north west of kudiramalai point  it has been reported.

The officers handed over the detained Indian Fishermen along with the dhow to Puttalam Assistant Director of Fisheries for future course of action.




Former UPFA MP Sajin Vaas Has Been Further Remanded

Image result for remandedThe former united peoples freedom alliance(UPFA) MP sajin vaas gunawardana who was detained by criminal investigations department (CID) over an investigation on a financial fraud case has been further remanded until 08th of July by Colombo Chief Magistrate today(05).

The former MP has been produced before Colombo Chief Magistrate today.He was detained by CID over an investigation  underway regarding a complaint lodged by a director of a private company by claiming MP gunawardena was defrauding him over Rs.600 million during previous government.