Terrorism Should be Eliminated and the Tamils Living in The troubled areas in the North Should Protected According to the Joint Statement Issued by the Sri Lankan and Indian Delegates Yesterday(26) evening.Special Sri Lankan Envoy and Senior Advisor to the President Mahinda Rajapaksha M.p Basil Rajapaksha who arrived India to Brief on the Ongoing Military Operations in the North Met Indian External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukerjee yesterday Morning and hold Discussions.After the discussions they issued this Joint Statement.According to this statement Indian Government will send 800 Metric Tonnes of Food and Medical Aid For the Displaced Persons in the North.After the Discussions with the Indian External Affairs Minister Mr.Rajapaksha Left for New Delhi to meet Indian Leaders.Meanwhile Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu S.Karunanidhi who Launched a Protest Campaign against the ongoing Military Operations in the North and threatened to Resigned from the Government Reversed his deceision after the Ruling Congress I President Mrs.Sonia Gandhi Talked to him.
Mr.Karunanidhi Assured the Indian Government that he and his alles are not Intervene into the Sri Lankan Affairs in future after Sri Lankan Government assured the Safety of the Tamil People in the North .
Indian Government Last weak said that the sri lankan Government should find a solution to their Conflict through negotiations.M.p Basil Rajapaksha went to India to Brief Indian Counterparts after Chief Minister Of Tamil Nadu S.Karunanidhi and his allies Launched a Protest Campaign against the Military Invasion of the Kilinochchi District saying that the Innocent Tamils in the area will become the victims due to the ongoing Military Operations there.however the Sri Lankan Government denied these allegations.Karunanidhi is also demanding from the sri Lankan Government to stop all Military Operations in the North and asked Indian Government to Intervene in this regard.These Latest Developments came as Sri Lankan Forces are Nearing the Capturing of LTTE's Final Stronghold and their Defacto State Capital kILINOCHCHI..