Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Increase In Depression Amongst Diabetic Patients

Around 11% of Sri Lankan population are suffering from some kind of depression and out of this number 1% are suffering from severe depression according to mental health specialists.out of the total number suffering from depression 15% to 20% are trying to commit suicide during their life time it has been revealed.

Also there's an increase on the people suffering from depression amongst patients ur long term illnesses and around 50% of diabetic patients are prone to depression sources said.15% of pregnant mothers are at risk of having depression after delivering their child.

Meanwhile mental health specialists have said that as there is a treatment available for the disease no need to be afraid for the disease anymore.if not treated properly 30% of world population will be suffering from depression during next few years.

Several Essential Drugs And Surgicals Are Out Of Stock In Government Hospitals

Government Hospitals having experience a severe  shortage of 50 and 20 mili liter syringes and several other essential drugs and surgical items these days according to hospital sources.due to this shortage the intensive care units,theaters ,labor rooms,emergency units and primary care units suffered mostly with disturbance to surgeries and treatment sources added.

The medical supplies division and government pharmacies too are not having stocks of said syringes and other surgical it has been reported. due to this situation patients need to buy these drugs and surgical from private pharmacies by their own expenses.

As emergency surgeries and treatment are in danger due to the shortage of drugs and surgical s  many government specialists have now holding discussions  to decide whether to continue admitting patients to those units or not .