Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Two Varieties Of Injection Vials Contaminated With Glass Pieces And White Powder Found From Govt.Hospitals

Two varieties of injection vials contaminated with glass pieces and white powder have been found from Ratnapura General and Padukka District Hospitals recently claimed the president of Health Services Trade Union Alliance(HSTUA) Saman Ratnapriya.according to him the two injection vials "Aciclavoir Sodium" Injection  (250mg)prescribe for Chicken Pox and Encephalitis and Promethazine Hydrochloride (25 mg) (Phenogan) prescribe for vomiting and allergies  have been contaminated with few glass pieces and white powder respectively.

Both injection vials were imported from Indian Drug Companies and the injection vials belongs to  the batches  of  these contaminated injection vials are still use in government hospitals putting  patients lives in danger saman ratnapriya has said.if a contaminated injection vial is  found from a hospital the medical supplies division should have removed all the  stocks of vials belongs to the batch of contaminated injection vial until the inquiry has concluded on it ,but the health authorities have failed to follow this procedure he has stressed.

The president of HSTUA has urged Health Minister to punish the culprits who are  involved in importing these contaminated injection vials to Sri Lanka without limiting it to words.

The batch of injection vial "Aciclavior Sodium" which contaminated with pieces of glass have total of 36,000 injection vials and it worth Rs.3.13  million as one vial costs Rs.87  he said.