In last year it has been estimated that around 423 Intravenous Drug Users were there in the country.Also female sex workers as well as the men to men sexual contacts among the HIV Positives in Sri Lanka too are on the increase Dr.Manathunge has said.
Female Sex Workers,Men to Men Sexual Contacts,Intravenous Drug Users,Drug Users and Beech Boys have been identified as the higher Risk Groups in the Sri Lankan Society that are vulnerable to HIV/AID he has revealed.
Meanwhile it has been reported that the HIV Positives in Sri Lanka have been doubled withing the last 5 years .Still the main cause for HIV/AIDS in Sri Lanka are heterosexual relationships which contributed 48% to the total number of HIV Positives reported from Sri Lanka.
Western,North Western and Southern Provinces have been identified as the provinces where highest number of HIV Positives are being reported.
These facts were revealed during the HIV /AIDS Media Workshop jointly conducted by Sri Lanka Family Planning Association and National STD/AIDS Campaign which was held at the Hotel Renuka in Colombo-03 this morning.