Sunday, January 9, 2011

Floods Displaced 750,000 People Island Wide

According to the Meteorology Department heavy showers prevails in the most parts of the country since yesterday will continue further .Around 750,000 people displaced island wide mostly in the Batticloe and Ampara areas of Eastern Province due to the floods caused by heavy showers

Education Ministry To Close Schools In Eastern Province And Kandy Due To Bad Weather

The Education Ministry has decided to closed all Schools in Eastern Province for Five days starting tomorrow and Schools in Kandy tomorrow due to the adverse weather conditions prevails in these areas.

Earth Slip In Hill Capital Buried 14 People - 4 Died And 3 Are Still Missing

14 people were buried under the rubble and 7 of them rescued due to a Huge Earth Slip taken place in Gatambe of the hill capital Kandy District this morning.Another 4 bodies buried under the rubble were recovered by this eve and 3 are still missing according to the Police..The rescued persons were admitted to the Kandy General Hospital for treatment.

A huge rock was toppled on few houses situated in Deveni Rajasinha Road near Gatambe area and abandoned the area.