Thursday, August 31, 2023

Import Tax On Wheat Flour Increased

 Government had increased the import tax imposed on Wheat flour from Rs.11 with effect from midnight of last Tuesday (29) according to the State Minister of Finance Ranjith Siyambalapitiya .

Accordingly the Import tax imposed on A kilo Gramme of Imported wheat flour had been increased to Rs.27 from Rs.16 th Minister had stated.

A Person Was Injured Due To A Gun Shooting In Ambalangoda

 A 36  year old person was injured and hospitlized due to a Gun shooting incident  occurred near the Dharmashoka Collage in Ambalangoda(Soutthern Province ) this evening(31).

The injured who is a resident of Walagedara in Balapitiya area had been  admitted to Balapitiya Hospital fot treatment.The incident occurred when two unidentified gunmen arrived in a Motorcycle had shot and injured  the person travelling in a Van according to the Ambalangoda Police.

Fuel Prices Increased Again

Ceylon Petroleum Corporation (Ceypetco)  had increased   the Prices of  Fuel with effect from  midnight tonight (31) it has been  announced.

Accordingly the Price of a Liter of  Octane -92 Petrol had been increased by Rs.13 A liter of Octane-95 Petrol had been increased by Rs.42 A liter of Auto diesel increased by Rs.35 and a Liter of Super Diesel by Rs.1 and a Liter of Kerosene oil by Rs.5 the CEYPETCO  has stated.

Lanka Indian Oil Company (LIOC ) too had increased the  fuel prices similarly with effect from midnight tonight it has been announced.