Health Workers belongs to 15 health categories including government nurses and professions supplementary to medicine(PSM'S) have decided to launch an island wide continuous strike from next Tuesday(30) by demanding to increase their allowances the Joint Front Of Nurses,PSM'S And Para Medics has stated.
The Joint Front has demanding the government to grant Rs.15,000 On Call allowance for the said health category workers in the view of the allowance increase given to medical doctors with effect from 01st of January 2015.
Around 10,000 health workers are due to launch this strike from 8.a.m next Tuesday the joint convener of the Joint Front Saman Ratnapriya has said.
The Joint Front has demanding the government to grant Rs.15,000 On Call allowance for the said health category workers in the view of the allowance increase given to medical doctors with effect from 01st of January 2015.
Around 10,000 health workers are due to launch this strike from 8.a.m next Tuesday the joint convener of the Joint Front Saman Ratnapriya has said.