Monday, January 1, 2024

LAUGFS Increased It's Gas Prices

 The Private sector owned LAUGFS Gas Company had also increased the Prices of it's GAS Cylinders with effect from.yesterday (01)

Accordingly the Price of 12.5 KG Gas Cylinder had been increased by Rs.755 by to Rs.4740 and 5 KG Gas Cylinder by Rs.305 to Rs.1900 the Chairman of LAUGFS Gas Company Dr.Niroshan J Pieris has stated.

LITRO Gas Increased GAS Prices

The state owned Litro Gas Company has increased the prices of LP Gas with effect from yesterday(01) it has been announced .

Accordingly LITRO Gas increased the Price of 12.5 KG Gas Cylinder by Rs.685  to Rs.4250 ,the price of 5 KG Gas Cylinder by Rs.276 to Rs.1707  and the price of 2.3 KG Gas Cylinder byRs.127 to Rs.795 the Chairman of LITRO Gas Muditha Pieris has stated.


Ceypetco Increased Fuel Prices

The state owned Ceylon Petroleum Corporation (CEYPETCO ) has increased the prices of Fuel under ut's latest price revision implemented with effect from yesterday (01).

Accordingly the Price of a Liter of Octane-92 petrol had increased by Rs.20 to Rs.366 ,A Liter of  Octane-95 Petrol By Rs 38 to Rs.464 ,A Liter of White Diesel by Rs.29 to Rs.358;and A Liter of Super Diesel by Rs.41 to Rs.475.

The Price of Kerosene Oil had decreased  by Rs.11 to Rs.236 according to CEYPETCO .


Singapore Intensifies, Oil Spill Cleanup After It Spreads Along Coast