Friday, October 13, 2023

Journalist Fined For Insulting Italian Premier 


අපව හදුනන්නෝ බොහෝ සිටියද තේරුම් ගන්නෝ සිටිනුයේ අල්පයකි.අප විශ්වාස කළ යුත්තේත් ළගින් සිටිය යුත්තේත් කිසි දින හැර නොයන එවන් තේරුම්ගත් ආදරණීයයන්  පමණකි.(උපුටා ගැනීමකි )

Eighty Five Year Old Person Died After Colliding With A Bicycle

 Eighty five year old pedestrian was killed after colliding with a Bicycle in Matara District  yesterday (12) according to the police.

The deceased was a resident of Matara  District succumbed to his injuries after admission to the hospital it has been reported. Matara Police had arrested the Cyclist over the incident .