Around 20 Cancer Drugs including 11 Essential Cancer Drugs were out of stock these days at the Cancer Hospital In Maharagama in the Colombo Suburbs putting the lives of the Cancer patients in danger.
According to the Cancer Hospital Doctors These Cancer drugs are administering to around 300 Indoor and Outdoor Cancer Patients Daily and due to the Drug shortage they are not having any other alternative measure than delaying of administering these Drugs to the Patients.Due to the expensiveness of these Drugs, Patients too cannot purchasing them from the Private Sector and some Cancer Injections are expensive as more then Rs.10,000 per Vial Doctors stressed.
"Five S U" and "Sistadine"are among the Drugs which are out of stock at the moment.When contacted The Director General Of Health Services Dr.Ajith Mendis said that due to the Huge cost that have to spend on Cancer Drugs Government cannot afford such a large amount of money to purchasing of these Drugs due to the Shortage of money .Government is currently spending Rs 2 million per Cancer Patient he stressed.