Friday, October 24, 2014

Several Concessions Given To The Public Through The 2015 Budget Proposals

The Basic Salary of the Public Service Employees have been increased up to Rs.15,000 and all the special allowances to be added to basic salary - Cost Of Living Allowance of Public Sector Employees  increased by Rs.2200 -  Water Bills reduced by 10%  for the first 25 units-  The prices of the Locally Manufactured Milk Powder Products have been reduced by Rs.100 per kilo gramme and local yogurts by Rs.3 -   The standard Price given to Milk Farmers for a liter of fresh milk  has increased  Rs.60 per a Liter-   A pension scheme to be introduced for Apparel Sector Employees       -Mahapola Scholarship fees for University Students to be  increased to Rs.4000 with effect from January 2015 -  are among key proposals made through the 2015 Budget Proposals presented to the parliament this evening by  President Mahinda Rajapaksha.

During his Budget Speech President Rajapksha has announced several other key proposals like Special Tax to be introduced for all Vehicle Imports to the country and US Dollars 100 to be charged for entrance to the casinos.The Fertilizer Subsidy of Rs.350 given to the local farmers will be continued further president has said.Also the guaranteed price for paddy to be increased from Rs.34 to Rs.40 per kilo gramme.

For the pre school teachers a monthly allowance of Rs.2500 will be granted and all the disabled persons in the country will be received Rs.3000 monthly grant according to the budget proposals.The monthly allowance given to the senior citizens of the country to be increased to Rs.2000 per month.

Among other proposals made through the budget speech are 25% electric tariff reduction for small and medium enterprises  that use below 300 units  and 15% reduction of electricity tariffs for industrial sector.

Taxes imposed on imported cars and vans  have been reduced through this budget.