During these raids public health inspectors have removed 63,266 slabs of Whey Powder contained Chocolates,19,256 packets of Milk Powder,19,351 packets of Infant Milk Powder ,20,591 bottles of liquid milk products ,14,516 packets of milk products and 5446 bottles /Cannes of Energy Drinks Mr.Senerath has said.these Whey Protein and Whey Powder contained Milk Powder and Milk Products will be out of shelves in all sales outlets throughout the island until investigation on these products completed he has stressed.
It has been reported that the Bacteria "Clostredium Boulinum" entered in to some batches of a infant formula produced by the giant dairy factory in New Zealand and distributed to foreign markets.due to this situation sri lanka too taken steps to investigate whether the imported milk powders in local market too contaminated with the bacteria .
Already around 250 samples of milk powder available in the market have sent to Medical Research Institute in Colombo for Bacteria tests.
A Stock Of 142,426 Whey Protein Contained Milk Powder/Milk Products Hve Been Removed From The Market