Wednesday, November 9, 2016




Cabinet Approved A Proposal To Purchase A Private Land In Jaffna To Resettle Displaced Families

Cabinet has approved a proposal made by Minister Of Prison Reforms,Rehabilitation ,Resettlement and Hindu Religious Affairs D.M Swaminathan to allocate Rs.88 million to purchase a private land in Jaffna District to resettle families displaced due to the war.

Accordingly there are around 971 displaced  families who are still in welfare camps in Jaffna and out of them 682 families have been ifentified as landless families the authorities have stated.

Government is currently considering to resettle 220 displaced families in Jaffna and as the District has less state owned lands Minister Of Prison Reforms ptoposed to purchase a private land to allocate 20 perch each for every family authorities have further said.

Former Central Bank Governor Should Be Removed From Head Post Of Government's Economic plan-Health Minister

Former Central Bank Governor Arjuna Mahendran should be removed from the head post of government's five year Economic Plan due to the charges of  his involvment in Central Bank Bond Scam Issue the Minister Of Health and Cabinet Spokesman Dr.Rajitha Senaratne has stated today (09).

Addressing a Cabinet Briefing held at the Government Information  Department in Narahenpita Dr.Rajitha Senaratne has expressed his confidence that Prime Minister Ranil Wikramasinghe will respectfully remove former Central Bank Governor from the head post of Economic Plan.


Colombo High Court Has Temporarily Lifted The Foreign Tour Ban Imposed On MP Udaya Gammanpila

The Colombo High Court has today (09) temporarily lifted the foreign tour ban imposed on Pivithuru Hela Urumaya Party leader MP Udaya Gammanpila who faced a foreign tour ban due to a fraud case filed against him  at the court.

Accordingly the foreign tour ban imposed on MP Gammanpila has been temporarily lifted after considering a motion submitted  to the High Court by his attorney requesting to do so.

The attorney has informed the court  that his client MP Gammanpila is due to visit India and China in November and December.

Navy Have Arrested Nine Fishermen While Illegally Fishing in Sri Lankan Waters

Sri Lanka Navy have arrested nine local fishermen while engaging in fishing  beyond the teritorial waters in pallamunai it has been reported.

Navy Officers have also taken into custody four banned fishing nets and four small boats used by the fishermen for fishing.

The arrested fishermen along with equipment were handed over to the fisheries officials jn Mannar for future course of action.

Around 30 Kilo Grammes Of Cocaine Recovered From A Sugar Container

Police Narcotic Bureau Officials have recovered around 30 Kilo Grammes of Cocaine from a store at Pethiyagoda,Kelaniya (Western Province) during a raid carried out this evening.

The stock of Cocaine was stored in a Sugar Container imported from Brazil according to the officials.No arrests have been made regarding the incident so far they have stated.

The estimated value of the stock of Cocaine recovered from the store is more than 450 million it has been revealed.

This Artist Creates Portraits On Ice Caps


special love and meet quotes සඳහා පින්තුර ප්‍රතිඵල SINHALA QUOTES ON FRIENDSHJIP සඳහා පින්තුර ප්‍රතිඵල

 special love and meet quotes සඳහා පින්තුර ප්‍රතිඵල

Finance Minister To Present 2017-Annual Budget Proposals Tomorrow(10)_

 Minister Ravi Karunanayale is due to present the 2017-Annual Budget Proposals the 70th annual Budget of Independence Sri Lanka to the Parliament tomorrow(10).

According to the Finance Minister a development oriented budget with a long term action plan to  fulfill aspirations of all people will be presented to the Parliament tomorrow(10).The Budget will focused more on strengthening the national economy he has stressed.

This is year's theme of the Budget is "Towards Rapid Development-With benefits  to all " .The Finance Ministry has received nearly  2500 proposals from the public throughout the island to be considered for the 2017-Annual Budget.

Through the Budget proposals it is expected to make proposals to end the
poverty in country.

Ampara Provincial High Court Passed A Death Sentence For A Ampara Resident

court  judgemrnt සඳහා පින්තුර ප්‍රතිඵලAmpara Provincial High Court has today(09) sentenced a resident of Ampara (Eastern Province)the death penalty over a murder occurred on 25th of October 2011 at Posonpura in Ampara District.

Earlier the Attorney General had filed indictments  against the accused at Ampara Provincial High Court.

A Group Of Joint Opposition MP's Lodged A Complaint Against Finance Minister At The Bribery Commission

bribery commission සඳහා පින්තුර ප්‍රතිඵලA group of Joint Opposition MP's had lodged a complaint against the Minister Of Finance Ravi Karunannayake  at Bribery Commission today(09) over three charges according to the Joint Opposition MP Mahindananda Aluthgamage.

Accordingly the group has made three charges against the Finance Minister through the complaint including releasing of 1700 Prado and Benz cars imported to the country illegally by charging Rs.1.6 million from the importers it has been revealed.

The Joint Opposition is planning to lodge another complaint at the Bribery Commission agaisnt the Finance Minister on nine charges MP Aluthgamage has stated.


MUSTARD සඳහා පින්තුර ප්‍රතිඵලMustard seeds are widely used in Indian households and are an integral part of Indian cooking as they impart a very rich taste to food. Various forms of the sees like oil is used for cooking whereas, whole seeds are  used as tadka, powdered seeds are widely used in various dips  and garnishings and mustard oil is widely used for cooking. The underlying reason for using mustard seeds is the huge number of medicinal properties they have:
  1. Protects you from gastrointestinal cancerPacked with phytonutrients, mustard seeds are a great way to prevent and slow the progress of  cancers of the gastrointestinal tract. Studies have shown that mustard seeds have properties that can restrict the growth of already present cancer cells and prevent the formation of new cancers.
  2. Can help control symptoms of asthma: Mustard seeds are high in selenium and magnesium. Both the components give it a unique anti inflammatory property. Consumed regularly, it is known to control and keep the symptoms of asthma, cold and chest congestion at bay. Here are ten asthma symptoms you should know
  3. Can help you lose weight:  The wonder seeds are packed with B-complex vitamins like folates, niacin, thiamine, riboflavin etc. Apart from all the individual merits of these components, they are great in speeding up one’s metabolism leading to weight loss.
  4. Can slow ageing: Mustard is a great source of carotenes, zeaxanthins and lutein (also called flavonoid and caretonoid antioxidants) vitamin A,C and K. All these components put together make it rich in antioxidants which in turn slows the ageing process
  5. Relieves rheumatoid, arthritic and muscle painThe selenium and magnesium content of mustard lend it anti inflammatory and heat producing properties. When applied to the body, the paste heats up the area and helps loosen muscles, leading to relief from pain. Read about six yoga asanas to beat arthritis .  Tip: To ease pain make a small bundle of the seeds in a muslin cloth, and add it to warm bath water. Either have a long relaxing bath, or soak your tired and aching feet for instant relief. Another great way is to apply the paste of the seed on the area for a few minutes.
  6. Lowers cholesterol: Mustard contains high levels of niacin or vitamin B3. Niacin has properties that help lower one’s cholesterol levels and protects the arteries from atherosclerosis (plaque build-up). It also helps to regulate blood flow and protects the body from hypertension.
  7. Stimulates hair growth: For centuries mustard oil has been known to stimulate hair growth. It  is known to be packed with vitamins and minerals, but what makes the difference is the high amount of beta carotene it contains. During oil production, beta carotene gets converted to vitamin A, which is excellent for hair growth. Apart from this, it also contains iron, fatty acids, calcium and magnesium, all of which promote hair growth.                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Tip: Using mustard oil once a week for  a warm oil massage is a great way to relieve stress, symptoms of dandruff and promote hair growth. After you apply the oil, wrap your hair in a thin plastic bag or a warm towel to increase absorption of the oil into the scalp. Leave it for about half an hour to forty five minutes and then wash off. The oil has a strong odour and is thick in consistency, so make sure you use a good shampoo.
  8. Helps reduce constipation and may relieve symptoms of piles and fissures:  The seeds contain a unique substance called mucilage which is a thick slimy substance that is the key to relieving constipation. Apart from that, it is also high in fibre. In addition, mustard seeds are known to increase the production of saliva, leading to better digestion.  Read about six health complications of constipation                      Tip: Have one teaspoon of mustard seeds two to three times a day to relieve constipation.
  9. Fights skin infections: Packed with sulphur, mustard seeds are a great way to curb skin infections. Sulphur gives the seed anti fungal and anti bacterial properties that help fight common skin ailments.
  10. Improves immunity: Because mustard has a large number of elemental minerals like iron, manganese, copper etc., it helps improve the body’s ability to fight disease.
Lastly, always remember to use mustard seeds in moderation. Even though it has great healing properties, it can also be toxic in large quantities. Make sure you ask your physician before you self medicate.


California Collage Cancelled Grad.Ceremony Amodst Anti Gaza Protests