Thursday, October 17, 2024

A Person Was Arrested Whilst Attempting To Bribe An Acting Police OIC

 Mattakkuliya Police in Colombo District had arrested a 50 year old Person over attempting to offer a monthly bribe of Rs.100,000 to the Acting  Officer In Charge(OIC)   of the Mattakkuliya Police yesterday (16) in view of getting pernission to engage in drug dealing in the area it has been reported.The suspect who is a  resident of Mattakkuliya area had informed the acting OIC of Mattakkuliya Police regarding the bribe through a phone call according to reports.

Thereaffer the acting OIC of Mattakkuliya Police have informed the incident to Bribery  commission and the Commission officers  along with the Police had arrested the suspect when he was attempted to offer Rs.50,000 to the acting OIC at the Mattakkuliya Police station  

Five School Girls Were Hospitalized Due To HPV Vaccine

 Five schoolgirls of 12 years of age attached to milleniya area Were hospitalized after experiencing adverse reactions of Human papiloma virus (HPV)vacines given to prevent cervical cancer itt has been reported.

The five school  girls atattached to weniwelpitiya Junior collage

in Anguruwathota area were admitted to the Halthota Regional hospital with symptoms like headache,abdominal.pain and fainting following the adminsitration of the HPV Vaccine at the school  it has been revealed.A total number of 26 students were given the HPV vaccine but only those five students had experienced the adverse reactions of the vaccine sources have stated.Anguruwathota Police are conducting an investigations on the matter.

A Person Was Arrested Whilst Attempting To Bribe An Acting Police OIC

 Mattakkuliya Police in Colombo District had arrested a 50 year old Person over attempting to offer a monthly bribe of Rs.100,000 to the Act...