The Funeral of the Assassinated Sunday Leader Editor Lasanta Wickramatunge Taken Place at the Borella General Cemetery This Evening In Front Large Gathering.His Coffin was taken into the Cathedral At Narahenpita From His Residence in Battaramulla and To The Cemetery Afterwards.Journalists and Politicians were among the Large Gathering Attended to His funeral.Professional Journalists Association and Several Leftist Political Parties and NGO'S are Walking along with the Coffin Shouting Slogans Against the Lasantha's Killers.
Lasantha Wickramathunge was Assassinated by an Unidentified Gunmen At Rathmalana in the Colombo Suburbs Last Thursday Morning.Still No one Arrested Regarding this Killing.Meanwhile Members of the Sri Lankan Bar Association Hold a Protest Campaign This Morning Against the killing of Lasanta who himself was a Lawyer and Member of the Association.