Sri Lanka had Experienced an 8 Hour long sudden Island wide Powercut and a Water Cut in some areas since early this morning due to a Technical Fault of the Kelanithissa Power Plant in Colombo which is the Main Power Plant in the Island.Although the Ceylon Electricity Board restored the Electricity in the most parts of the Island by this Noon several Areas still without the Electricity and Water and Most of the Government Hospitals affected due to the Water Cut.
Knady General Hospital in the Hill Country and the Polonnaruwa Base Hospital in North Central Province are the worst affected from this crisis as the Authorities forced to restrict the Surgeries perform in these Hospitals due to lack of Water.Even these Hospitals managed to continue their services without Electricity due to the Generators Thr Water Cut preventing the Normal Functioning of Surgeries According to the Hospital Sources.Major Surgeries including the Bypass Surgeries were temporarily suspended from this morning at the Kandy General Hospital and most of the Surgeries redtricted at the Polonnaeuwa Hospital too according to the Sources.
Meanwhile The Kalubowila Teaching Hospital too faced a Water Shortage this morning due to the Power Failure however things were returned to normal as their Water Supply maintained by this noon.Almost all other State and Private Hospital activities are functioning normal with the help of the Generatrors.