Health Ministry Today (27)Decided to Ban Completely the Importing and Selling of Pakistani Flavored Betel Leaves "Babul" And "Beda" after Receiving Complaints from the Public and the Doctors .Around 18 Importers importing these Flavored Betel Leaves to Sri Lanka which are selling in front of the Schools and in Small Huts.Lot of School Children among the People who got Addicted to Chewing this Betel Leaves and are at risk of getting Cancer According to the Health Ministry.Some Flavored Ingredients and Colorings used for Preparing these Betel Leaves are Found as Cancerous Elements Ministry Sources Further Added.
According to the Recent Survey carried out among 75 of this Betel Chewers in Kegalle District by the Ministry of Health 40 were found as affected with the Oral Cancer.Tobacco Leaves which including the Addictive "Nicotine" used when preparing these Betel Leaves.Due to the Nicotine A person Chewed this Betal Leves once used to Chewing it again according to the Doctors.Health Minister Nimal Siripala De Silva will Chaired a special Meeting of Medical Experts scheduled to be held in this week at the Health Ministry to discuss on this Issue before official y announcing the Ban of the Babul and Beeda Betel Leaves.Ministry Of Health Imposed a Ban on Importing these Betel Leaves Few Months ago but Lifted the Ban later.