Thursday, December 3, 2009

Police Fired Tear Gas To Disperse Protesting Assistant Teachers

Police fired Tear Gas this evening to disperse a large Group of Protesters belongs to the Assistant Trainee Teachers Union as they tried to March towards the President's Official Residence the Temple Trees.

The Assistant Teachers who are categorized as Teachers without Training are only recieved a sum of Rs.3000 as their Salary according to the Protesters.If the Government is not taking steps to Permenant their Posts around 100,000 Members of their Union will Vote against the Government at the forthcoming Presidential Elections Union Officials said.

Opposition Leader Ranil To Stay Away From The Premiership Of A Care Taker Government

The Leader of the Main Opposition the United National Party(UNP) Ranil Wickramasinha today announced that he has no intention to become the Prime Minister of the Care Taker Government to be formed if the Opposition Candidate General Sarath Fonseka wins the forthcoming Presidential Elections.He further said that he has no hope either to get a Post in the Care Taker Government .

Opposition Leader's Stand came as the Party Leaders of the Government keep on Criticizing the Opposition that they are Dreeming to Appoint current Opposition Leader as the Prime Minister of  Future Care Taker Government.

Six Candidates Handed Over Their Deposits For The Presidential Elections

Six Party Candidates today Handed Over their Deposits for the Forthcoming Presidential Elections.According to the Election Department Sources the Six Candidates who Deposited the Required Amount of Money  are P.D.A Liyanage from Sri Lanka Workers Party,Sarath Manamendra from New Sihala Urumaya Party,P.A Peter Nelson from Sri Lanka Progressive Party,M.B Thaminimulla of Okkoma Wasiyo Okkoma Rajawaru Party , Sirithunga Jayasuriya from United Socialist Party and A.Asoka Suraweera from National Development Front.

Around Ten Candidates were announced that they will contesting for the Forthcoming Presidential Elections scheduled to be held in 26th of January 2010 as President Mahinda Rajapaksha and Common Candidate for  the Opposition General Sarath Fonseka become  main contenders.The Official Date for the Handing over of Nominations for the Election is 17th of December 2009.Contestents who are representing Recognized Political Parties need to Deposit  a Sum of Rs.50,000 for the Elections and An Independent Candidate should Deposited a Sum of Rs.75,000.

Opposition Alliance Supported General Fonseka For Presidency Expanded

The Joint Opposition Alliance United National Alliance who supported the Common Candidate for the Forthcoming Presidential Elections General Sarath Fonseka expanded to a 16 Party Alliance from 12 Parties General Secretary of the Alliance Tissa Attanayaka announced today.Another Two Parties joined the Opposition Alliance today including the Muslim Liberation Front he stressed.

The United National Alliance was formed by few weeks ago to support General Fonseka as a Common Candidate for the Presidency.

Remembering One of the world's, largest Train Accidents reported from Sri Lanka In 2004

Tsunami memories:What happened in Paraliya in 2004.