Tuesday, September 24, 2013

GMOA To Launch An Island Wide Strike Within Two Weeks

Government Hospital Doctors have decided to launch an island wide strike during next two weeks if the authorities have failed to implement Service Constitution of Doctors  the Government Medical Officers Association (GMOA) has said today(24).

The general assembly of GMOA is due to meet on 29th of this month to decide the dates of the strike it has been revealed.

GMOA Want Hospital Directors To Take Responsibility On Doctors Transfers

The Government Medical Officers Association (GMOA) has said today(24) that if an unit or a ward of a Government  Hospital getting paralyzed due to the transferring of Doctors without having a replacement medical administrators should take full responsibility of that."it is the duty of the Hospital Director to arrange a quick replacement for a transferred doctor of the hospital to maintain patient care service in highest level" the media spokesman of GMOA Dr.Naveen Soyza has said today(24).

"Hospital Directors can find a suitable replacements for transferred doctors withing the hospital it self "says Dr.,Soyza."around  40% out of 3179 annual doctors transfers were already have implemented during last week" he has stressed.