By keeping one of their Election Promises to provide relief measures to the public the Government has decided to reduce fuel prices with effect from midnight tonight.
According to the new price reduction of Fuel ,A liter of 92-Octane Petrol has to come down from Rs.150 to Rs.117 while a liter of 95-Octane Petrol has come down from Rs.158 to Rs.128.Lanka Auto Speed and Super Diesel which are selling Rs.111 and Rs.138 per liter respectively scheduled to be reduced to Rs.95 and Rs.110 per liter.The price of Kerosene has come down from Rs.81 to Rs.65 per liter under the new price reduction.s
In addition to reduction of these fuel prices Government is planning to bringing down the Gas Prices soon according to the government sources.
Meanwhile the Ministry Of Power and Energy has announced that a price formula on fuel prices that will suit for the country's economy will be presented soon.