Wednesday, January 21, 2015

President Sirisena Has Reinstated The General Ranking Of Former Army Commander Sarath Fonseka

President Maithripala Sirisena has today (21)instructed the authorities to drop all charges against the former Army Commander and the leader of Democratic Party Sarath Fonseka who has  guided Sri Lanka Armed Forces to the victory against LTTE Terrorism in 2009   and reinstate his  Army General Post.Former Army Commander General Fonseka  has lost all his Army Rankings and civic rights and was imprisoned by the former President Mahinda Rajapaksha  soon after the 2010 Presidential Elections as he has contested against former President.

General Fonseka is currently serving as the Adviser to the President Sirisena on National Security is likely to be appointed as either Minister Of Defense or the  Defense Secretary  according to the sources.His Parliamentary Seat which he has lost due to the false charges filed against him in military and civilian courts by the former regime too is scheduled to be given to him sources have added.

Private Bus Owners Association To Reduce Bus Fares

The Lanka Private Bus Owners Association has today announced that the Association has decided to reduce the bus fares in keeping with the latest fuel price reductions.The Bus Fare reductions will be made after calculation according to a formula the President of the Private Bus Owners Association Gamunu Wijeratne has said.

The Bus Fares have not been reduced during last year since it was increased in 2013.

Fuel Prices Reduced With Effect From Midninght Tonight

By keeping one of their Election Promises to provide relief measures  to the public  the Government has decided to reduce fuel prices with effect from midnight tonight.

According to the new price reduction of Fuel ,A liter of 92-Octane Petrol has to come down from Rs.150 to Rs.117 while a liter of 95-Octane Petrol has come down from Rs.158 to Rs.128.Lanka Auto Speed and Super Diesel which are selling  Rs.111 and Rs.138 per liter respectively scheduled to be reduced to Rs.95 and Rs.110 per liter.The price of Kerosene has come down from Rs.81 to Rs.65 per liter under the new price reduction.s

In addition to reduction of these fuel prices  Government is planning to bringing down the Gas Prices soon according to the government sources.

Meanwhile the Ministry Of Power and Energy has announced that a   price formula on fuel prices that will suit for the country's economy will be presented soon.

Government Expecting Chief Justice Pieris To Resign From His Post

The government is expecting the Chief Justice Mohan Pieris who was appointed illegally to the post according to the government lawyers ,will be resigned from his post with immediate effect.Chief Justice Pieris was appointed by Former President Mahinda Rajapaksha after sacking former Chief Justice Shirani Bandaranaike from the post.

Mr.Pieris is scheduled to be meet Prime Minister Ranil Wikramasinha to discuss on this  matter it has been reported.

A large number of lawyers have conducted a  Protest Campaign last week by urging the current Chief Justice to resign from his post.