Tuesday, May 19, 2020

466 Sri Lankans Illegally Stayed In Kuwait Were Brough Back To Sri Lanka Last Night(19)

Two Kuwaiti Airlines flights had
brought back 466 Sri lankans who were stayed illegally in Kuwait last night (19)it has been reported.

Accordingly The first Kuwaiti Airlines flight had brought back 287 Sri lankan nationals and the second flight had carried 179 Sri lankans .

They were sent to Sri lanka during the grace period announced by the Kuwaiti government.The illegal migrants  were provided with temporary Passports by the Sri Lankan Embassy in Kuwait to return to Sri lanka.

The Sri lankan migrants were disinfected along with their luggage at the Katunayake International Airport and later had been transported to Quarantine centers through Special Army Buses aftet undergoing a health checkup at the Katunaydke Airport Health office .

Around 19,000 Illegal Sri lankan migrant employees are there in Kuwait it has been revealed .

Thirty Five Corona Positives Had Been Reported Yesterdsy (19)- All Were From Navy Cluster

Thirty five Corona virus positives had
been reported in the country yesterday (19) until 11.55 p.m according to the Epidemeology Unit .

Accordingly the total number of Corona virus positives reported so far had risen to 1027 the unit has stated.All the 35 Corona positives reported yesterday were Navy personal .

At the momemt 449 Corona positives are being treated at Government Hospitals .

1062 "PCR "tests had been performed Yesterday (19) to identify Corona positives and the total number of "PCR "tests performed  so far is 46,413.

Thirty One Corona Virus Positives Had Been Reported Today (19)

Thirty One Corona Virus positives had
been reported today (19)until 10.45 p.m according to Epidemiology Unit .Accordingly the total number of Corona virus positives has been increased to 1023.

At the moment 445 Corona Virus positives are being treated at Government Hospitals .

Trump Gives WHO Ultimatun Over Covid-19 Handling


28 Corona Positives Had Been Reported Today (19)- Total Number Exceeds 1000

Another 28 Corona virus positives had
been reported in the country ,increasing the total number of Corona positives to 1020 according to Epidemeology Unit.

All the 28 Corona positives reported today are Navy personal undergoing quarantine process at Oluvil Quarantine Center it has been revealed .
At the moment 442 Corona positives are being treated at Government hospitals .

Yesterday 12 Corona Virus positives had been reported.

Nurses Union Has Threatened To Strike Against Cutting Salaries And Allowances Of Nurses

All Ceylon Nurses Union had protested
against the steps taken by the authorities to cut salaries and allowances entitled to  Government nurses by add various reasons .

If the Health Authorities are not taking any step to stop this act a trade union action will be taken against it according to the Chief Secretary of the All Ceylon Nurses Union Nursing Officer H.S.B Madiwatte .

Nursing Officer Madiwatte had sent a letter to the Health Ministry Secretary urging to take an immediatte action to prevent the harsasing of Nurses as  the Nurses in Government hospitals are currently in the  front line in  the fight against Corona virus and they had never complaint about the shortages of Masks and other safety equipmemts when treating Corona virus patients but  they themselves made these and invollve in Corona patient care .

Ten Corona Positives Discharged From Hospitals Today (19)

Ten Corona Virus positives had been
discharged from Hospitals by 10 a.m today (19) after fully recovered according to Epidemeology Unit.

Accordingly 569 Corona Virus positives had been discharged from Hospitals so far after fully recovered .

At the moment 414 Corona positives are being treated at Government hospitals along with 135 suspected as Corona positives .

Spraying Disinfectent On Streets Does Not Kill Corona Virus-WHO Says