The much waited final report of the Inquiry on Expired Blood Kits found from the National Blood Center in Narahenpita and Four other State Hospital Blood Banks will handover to the Health Secretary Dr.Athula Kahanda Liyanage before 15th of this month Ministry Sources said today(10).Supreme Court Ordered the Health Ministry on 15th of september to conclude the ongoing probe on the Expired Blood kits Within a month and the deadline will be in 15th of this month the sources further added.Supreme Court Issued this order on a request made by the United National Party Parliamentarian Dr.Jayalath Jayawardana.If the Ministry has failed to act according to this order they have to face a court case.
Therefor the Final Report of the Inquiry on Expired Blood Kits will be handover to the Health Secretary either 13th or 15th of October Ministry official said.The Special Investigations Unit of the Ministry Of Health is conducting this Inquiary.Former Director of the National Blood Centre Dr.Mrs.Mangalika Bindusara and another Doctor attached to the Centre were already faced suspensions regarding this case .