Monday, February 3, 2014

PSM'S To Launch An Island Wide Continuous Strike Action From 11th Of Februray

The Professions Supplementary To Medicine(PSM'S) attach to Government Hospitals have decided to launch an Island Wide Continuous strike from next Tuesday(11) by demanding fair solutions for their 10 long standing service demands .

According to the Joint Council Of Professions Supplementary To Medicine the PSM'S compromising Government Pharmacists ,Radiographers,Medical Laboratory Technologists (MLT) ,Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists will participate this continuous strike .solving their allowance anomalies,granting the delayed promotions for  special grade PSM'S are among the service demands of PSM''s.

Around 700-800 Prisoners To Be Pardoned To Mark Independence Day

Around 700-800 prisoners are to be pardoned to mark 66th Independence Day celebrations of Sri Lanka which falls tomorrow(04) according to the Prisons Department.

These prisoners who are to be pardoned under presidential pardon are who were imprisoned  for minor offenses and  due to not been able to pay fines department has said.the prison headquarters has today (03) finalized the list of prisoners who are due to release tomorrow.

The National Ceremony to mark Sri Lanka's Independence Day is due to be held in Kegalle in the hill country by tomorrow.