Sunday, May 22, 2016


Causes of leptospirosis

Leptospirosis is caused by a strain of bacteria called leptospira, which is found in certain animals and can spread to humans.
Many different kinds of animals can carry the bacteria, but it is most commonly associated with:
  • rats and mice
  • farm animals, such as pigs, cattle, horses and sheep
  • dogs
It's rare to catch leptospirosis from domestic pets, although there have been cases where the infection was caught from pet rats.

An animal carrying the leptospira bacteria may show no outward signs of illness. The bacteria live inside the animal's kidneys and can be passed out in their urine. Bacteria can survive for several weeks, and even months, when it's passed into soil or water.

You can become infected with the leptospira bacteria if contaminated water or soil comes into contact with your eyes, mouth, nose, or any open cuts in the skin. 

The bacteria can also be spread through rodent bites or by drinking contaminated water. Less commonly, it can be passed to humans who come into close physical contact with the blood or tissues of an infected animal.

Outbreaks of leptospirosis can also occur, particularly at events that involve close contact with infected water, such as some water sports, or after a flood.
It's extremely rare for it to be passed from human to human, but it may be possible during sex, or by an infected mother passing it on to her baby



Symptoms of leptospirosis 

The symptoms of leptospirosis usually develop suddenly around 7 to 14 days after exposure to the leptospira bacteria.
However, it is possible for symptoms to develop from between 2 and 30 days after exposure.
About 90% of leptospirosis infections only cause mild symptoms, including:
  • a high temperature (fever) that is usually between 38C and 40C (100.4-104-F)
  • chills
  • sudden headaches
  • nausea and vomiting
  • loss of appetite
  • muscle pain, particularly affecting the muscles in the calves and lower back
  • conjunctivitis (irritation and redness of the eyes)
  • cough 
  • a short-lived rash
These symptoms usually resolve within five to seven days. However, in about 10% of cases people go on to experience more serious symptoms.

The risk of acquiring leptospirosis can be greatly reduced by not swimming or wading in water that might be contaminated with animal urine, or eliminating contact with potentially infected animals.
Protective clothing or footwear should be worn by those exposed to contaminated water or soil because of their job or recreational activities.Those who contacted flood waters should wash their legs by using soap  to avoid getting leptospirosis.


*The factory outlet has provided Rs.3 million worth cloths for  Zahira Collage-Colombo group of 2009 to distribute among flood victims.Anyone who needs cloths can contact Shamil-075-9879876 and Naveedh 075-4759749.

*If anyone need food packets in Kolonnawa and Wellampitiya areas 077 3849417


The fund collection mentioned above focused on students who have lost their books and other study material

Single Ruled CR Books (80/120/160/200 pages)

Single Rule Exercise Books (80/120/160/200 pages)

Square Rule Exercise Books-(80/120/160/200 pages)

Advanced Level past paper books (Science/Commerce/Arts Streams) 

Pencils,pens,sharpeners,erasers,rulers,pencil cases,school bags,water bottles,school shoes

All these items  will be distributed once the victims begin settling back in their respective homes or upon request those in the need of educational material .Goods need to be in brand new condition(past paper books can be used once but in good condition)

Join this fund collection in lending a kind hand to those in need.

For further details contact Naadhia Zainudeen 077 065 6971

(Information provided by my friend Bihara-Austria)