Joint Opposition MP Udaya

Gammanpila has today (07)filed a petition at Supreme Court by seeking a verdict from the Court to declare the 20 th Amendment Resolution presented to the Parliament by the Leftist Janatha Wimukthi Peramuna (JVP) as a resolution violating the Government Constitution.
The 20 th Amendment Draft Resolution which proposes to remove the executive powers of the President had been presented to the Parliament on 05 th of September as a personal proposal by the JVP MP Vijitha Herath.
The Petitioner MP Gamanpila has stated in his petition that the sections 01 to 38 of the Resolution have directly violated the 03 Rd, 04 th and 30 (2) sections of the Government Constitution.
Therefore he has requested the Court to give a verdict by stating that the 20 th Amendment Draft Resolution should be passed in Parliament with a two third majority and through a Referendum.
Petitioner has named Attorney General as the respondent of his case.